Rainbow Fluorite: The Ultimate Crystal for Balance and Harmony

Rainbow fluorite benefits

Rainbow Fluorite is a truly mesmerising crystal, with its vibrant colors and unique patterns. Not only is it beautiful to look at, but it also holds many benefits for both the mind and the body.

One of the main benefits of Rainbow Fluorite is its ability to balance and harmonise the chakras. It is said to have a particularly strong effect on the heart chakra, helping to open it up and allow for the flow of love and positive energy.

rainbow fluorite crystals meaning types protection

Rainbow Fluorite is also believed to enhance creativity and focus, making it a great crystal for anyone who is looking to boost their productivity and motivation. It is said to help clear the mind and remove distractions, allowing you to fully immerse yourself in your work.

In addition to its mental benefits, Rainbow Fluorite is also said to have healing properties for the physical body. It is believed to help with issues related to the lungs and the respiratory system, as well as the bones and teeth.

As the crystal expert Judy Hall says "Rainbow Fluorite is a highly protective and stabilising stone, useful for grounding and harmonising spiritual energy. When working with the upper chakras, it increases spiritual awarness and can help you to meditate to a deeper level."

So not only Rainbow Fluorite is a beautiful crystal to add to your collection, but it also holds many benefits for your physical and mental well-being. Keep a piece of it near you and let its energy work its magic!

Rainbow fluorite meaning

Rainbow Fluorite, as its name suggests, is a crystal that comes in a rainbow of colors, from clear and pale to deep purple and green. Each color holds a different meaning and energy, but together, they create a powerful and harmonious crystal.

Rainbow Fluorite is said to represent balance, harmony, and stability. It is believed to help align and balance the chakras, promoting a sense of peace and well-being.

It is also said to help with decision making, by bringing clarity and focus to the mind.

Here are my top three tips for using Fluorite crystal to help you make better decisions.

  1. Set your fluorite crystal either in front of you or hold it and start to gather all the key information you need from various sources to have a complete and accurate understanding of your situation.
  2. Take the time to weigh the pros and cons of different options and consider the potential consequences of each decision.
  3. While holding your fluorite crystal, set a clear intention that you will find the best answer. You can repeat one of these three affirmations if you find them helpful:
    * I trust in my ability to make wise and informed decisions.
    * I am confident in my decision-making skills and trust my intuition.
    * I am open to new information and willing to adjust my decisions as needed.
  4. Trust your instincts and make a decision based on what feels right to you, but also be prepared to adjust your course of action if new information becomes available.

Rainbow fluorite and your star signs

In terms of star signs, Rainbow Fluorite is associated with the sign of Aquarius. People born under this sign are known for their independent nature, and Rainbow Fluorite is said to help them stay grounded and connected to the present moment. It is also said to help Aquarius individuals to channel their unique ideas and creativity in a practical way.

This crystal is also beneficial for Pisces, as it is said to help them to stay focused, and to manage their emotions better.

Rainbow Fluorite is also a wonderful crystal for anyone who is looking to boost their spiritual growth and connection to the higher realms. It is said to help open the crown chakra, allowing for a deeper connection to the divine and a greater sense of understanding.

Rainbow fluorite healing properties

Rainbow Fluorite is a powerful and versatile crystal with a wide range of healing properties. Here are some of its top benefits:

  • Intuition: Rainbow Fluorite is said to enhance intuition and psychic abilities. It is believed to help clear the mind and remove distractions, allowing for a deeper connection to the higher self and the intuitive realm. 

    Developing your intuition is important because it can provide valuable insights and guidance in decision-making, help you navigate through difficult situations, and allow you to connect with your inner wisdom and inner guidance.

  • Spirituality: Rainbow Fluorite is also said to be a spiritual stone, helping to open the crown chakra and allowing for a deeper connection to the divine. It is believed to help with meditation and spiritual growth, and to bring a sense of peace and serenity.

  • Protection: Rainbow Fluorite is also believed to be a protective stone, helping to shield the wearer from negative energy and psychic attack. It is also said to be helpful in protecting against electromagnetic pollution and radiation from electronic devices and EMFs.

  • Balance: One of the main benefits of Rainbow Fluorite is its ability to balance and harmonise the chakras. It is said to have a particularly strong effect on the heart chakra, helping to open it up and allow for the flow of love and positive energy. Additionally, it is believed to balance the energy in the body, bringing a sense of stability and well-being.

In general, Rainbow Fluorite is a powerful and versatile crystal with a wide range of healing properties. It is a great stone for both physical and emotional healing, and to help with spiritual growth and protection.

Types of rainbow fluorite

Fluorite points

A Rainbow Fluorite Point is a crystal that has been shaped into a pointed form, which is said to help focus and amplify its energy.

It is important to find a crystal point that has lovely straight edges. When you receive it, make sure to keep the point protected.

When we pack your fluorite crystal point, we take extra care to ensure the point is bubble wrapped and fully protected.

rainbow fluorite crystal points towers differing colours

Fluorite Heart:

A Rainbow Fluorite Heart is a crystal that has been shaped into a heart form, which is said to help with emotional healing and to bring love and positivity.

Speaking of which, I'd like to share a funny crystal heart story.

My fun story about a crystal heart

Once upon a time, there was a crystal heart named Glitter. Glitter loved being admired and shown off, and spent most of her days lounging on her owner's vanity. One day, a group of women who loved crystals came to visit and Glitter couldn't wait to show off her sparkling beauty to them.

As they admired her, one of the women picked her up and exclaimed, "Oh, she's so beautiful! I just have to have her." Glitter's owner reluctantly handed her over, and as the woman held her, Glitter felt a strange sensation. She realized that she was being handed from one loving and caring owner to another.

Glitter was so happy that she started to sparkle even more. The other women laughed and commented on how Glitter seemed to be enjoying her new home. From that day on, Glitter knew that she was loved and cherished by all of her owners, and that her purpose in life was to spread love and joy wherever she went.

This story is to give you a light and funny moment, but it is important to remember that Crystals are natural resources and should be respected. They should not be seen as something to own, but as something to connect with and appreciate.

Fluorite Jewellery:

Rainbow Fluorite Jewellery, such as earrings or pendants, are a great way to keep the crystal's energy close to you throughout the day.

Rainbow fluorite crystal jewellery bracelet earrings pendants

Fluorite Sphere:

A Rainbow Fluorite Sphere is a crystal that has been shaped into a spherical form, which is said to help bring balance and harmony to its surrounding.

You will find these spheres are very heavy and are truly a mesmorising sight when you first see them. They are breathtakingly beautiful.

Make sure you get a lovely stand as well. The wooden sphere stands add a lovely contrast to this stunning crystal.

rainbow fluorite spheres

Fluorite Pyramid:

A Rainbow Fluorite Pyramid is a crystal that has been shaped into a pyramid form, which is said to help focus and amplify its energy and to be a powerful tool for meditation and healing.

Fluorite Egg:

A Rainbow Fluorite Egg is a crystal that has been shaped into an egg form, which is said to symbolise new beginnings and potential.

rainbow fluorite crystal eggs on stand

Fluorite Slice:

A Rainbow Fluorite slice is a crystal that has been cut and polished into a flat, usually oval shaped, which is said to help with balance and grounding. These are amazing when you hold them up to the sunlight, as per the image below.

rainbow fluorite crystal slices held up to the sun

Fluorite Angel:

A fluorite rainbow angel is a type of spiritual being you can have on your at all times to bring peace, love and harmony. Don't they look absolutely beautiful?

rainbow fluorite crystal angels

Is Rainbow Fluorite the ultimate crystal for balance and harmony?

So, what are your favourite rainbow fluorite crytals? Which of the above did you fall most in love with?

And if you are reading this far already, then I know you absolutely love crystals and buying rainbow fluorite and adding it to your collection is a must.

Overall, Rainbow Fluorite is a fun and uplifting crystal, that holds a lot of meaning and energy. Whether you're looking to balance your chakras, boost your creativity, or deepen your spiritual connection, it is a great crystal to have by your side.

One thing is for sure, rainbow fluorite jewellery is simple stunning, with its unique color variations and stunning transparency that adds a mesmerising and ethereal touch to any outfit.