Please note, there are no crystals that can stop a virus. If you are unwell, you MUST seek the advice of a qualified medical professional. We are not medical professionals and the information below does not take into account your personal circumstances. The information here about crystals for viruses is general in nature only.
Over the last few years, all our lives changed dramatically with the introduction of the flu-like virus we are all very familiar with now. The disruption we have all faced has been unprecedented.
The focus of this post is going to be all about strategies to boost your immune system.
Our body is designed to ward off disease causing microorganisms with great precision.
And, common sense would suggest that following daily healthy practices is the best defense to ward off diseases and keep a healthy immune system.
As a human species, we have been living with and fighting off the 'nasties' for tens of thousands of years. The real key is to live in balance with them.
So, we'll look at the best crystals to help your immune system, to help you sleep better and to help you reduce your stress levels.
One thing the medical community is unified on, is the importance of boosting your immune system as your bodies best natural defense against the flu, or any type of toxicity.
Hence why our focus here is all about strengthening our immune system and to keep a positive mindset.
Have you read Michael Walker's book Why We Sleep? Michael is considered the number 1 sleep expert in the world and he is the director of UC Berkeley’s Center for Human Sleep Science.
According to Walker, 'There does not seem to be one major organ within the body, or process within the brain, that isn’t optimally enhanced by sleep (and detrimentally impaired when we don’t get enough). That we receive such a bounty of health benefits each night should not be surprising.'
It goes without saying then, we should be doing everything we can to enhance our daily sleep habits.
Here are a handful of the best crystals to help you sleep better.
Once you have your favourite crystals for sleep, it is important to set your intention with them. First you need to cleanse your crystals and then set the intention of restful, peaceful, deep sleep.
According to Walker, during deep sleep our brain cells shrink by 60%, creating channels for our glymphatic system to clear away the metabolic waste of the brain.
There has never been a better time to focus on better sleep. Make it your daily mission and focus your daily activities to help increase your 'sleep hygiene'.
Stress is one of those silent health problems we need to be aware of and take measures to balance our levels.
But remember, stress can be both positive and negative, alerting us to dangers and keeping us safe from harm.
According to WebMD, Seventy-five percent to 90% of all doctor's office visits are for stress-related ailments and complaints.
Our recent blog post titled Crystals for Stress Relief, uncovers our top crystals to help you relieve stress. We all need to do everything we can to reduce our stress levels, during this time of uncertainty.
Nature is a miraculous healing tool that we all need to stay fit and healthy, and to live a long life.
The first benefit of getting outside is to be connected to the earth barefoot, to experience the ultimate anti-inflammatory known as Earthing.
Stand or sit barefooted and get grounded to the earth with your crystals.
First thing every morning, get outside and place your feet on the grass. Even better if you are able to do this at the beach and watch the sunrise.
Many studies led by Clint Ober and the Earthing Institute have noted how healing it is to be connected to the Earth as often as possible.
That's right. Kick your shows off and run around on the ground.
At the same time, you will likely experience the healing benefits of sunshine through vitamin D.
Vitamin D has been one of the most studied hormones in our body since the early 1900's, with more than 50,000 pubmed articles written.
And recently, low Vitamin D levels (under 30ng/mL or 75nmol/L) have been strongly correlated to poor outcomes from flu-like patients, whereas levels above 40ng/mL appear to significantly boost your chance of fighting it.
Let's get through this together and come out the other side stronger.