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This is a unique Rose Quartz Crystal Skull. You won't see too many of these with such a high-quality carving.
If you love skulls and collect them, then this Rose Quartz Crystal Skull would be a great addition.
If you were building out a fish tank and you wanted something nice to add, this would do the trick. But these are the best we have and so would be too good to be relegated to the fish tank. Unless you had a creatively themed fish tank.
You really need to appreciate how difficult it is to carve out a skull and the time and effort that goes into carving one of these. These are a true sign of a master craftsman.
What we look for when sourcing rose quartz crystal skulls is the clarity of the teeth and facial features. These are our best crystal skulls for the quality of the teeth, eyes and nose features. You will love it.
Please Note: You will receive one similar to the photograph; however, each rose quartz crystal skull is a natural stone and will vary slightly.
Rose quartz is the love crystal. When you think of unconditional love, think of rose quartz.
As a result, rose quartz is very much a crystal of the heart and for the heart chakra.
If you are looking for love, you could place rose quartz around your home. As with all crystals, it is important to set your intention with your crystals. So if love is what you are after, then use rose quartz with that in mind.
You can place rose quartz around your home or, given the number of beautiful rose quartz jewellery pieces, you can wear it around your neck, wrist or as earrings.
You may like to put your rose quartz skull on your desk, in the bedroom or among a collection of items on a display stand.
As you likely already know, everything you see around you is a vibration. You will be pleased to know how Rose Quartz is able to take the negative energy in a home, office or setting and replace it with loving vibes. The rose quartz stone has a strong ability to do this.
They say for the best results of love and healing, you should place the rose quartz piece near your heart. You have two options to do this.
The first is with a lovely rose quartz pendant around your neck. The second option is to hold a piece of rose quartz to your chest while meditating.
For those who have difficulty in visualisation, holding a piece of rose quartz crystal can help greatly.
Want to know more about skulls? Click on the following link here Top 3 Most Famous Crystal Skulls & History of Carved Skulls
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